Ditch the Payslip Panic! Fun & Fast Salary Sheets

Tired of spreadsheet struggles? We've got you!

  • Individuals: Calculate your net salary & learn with ease.

  • Corporate: Bulk upload, generate & store salary records in a snap.

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Select User Type for Salary Calculation and Reporting

Why Choose Hamro Salary?

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Personalized Paycheck Insights

Effortlessly compare Tax, CIT, PF, SSF, Leave, and OT with your current company payslip.

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Efficient Corporate Payroll Management

Bulk calculate, generate, and record salary sheets seamlessly.

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Empower Employee Clarity

Facilitate transparent and accessible salary communication.

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Robust Data Security Assurance

Your data is never sold; privacy is our priority

How does Hamro Salary work?

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Effortless Data Upload

User upload Excel file with raw details, system generates detailed SalarySheet with calculations.


Bulk Salary Sheet Generation

System generates SalarySheet for all employees at once, downloadable in bulk.

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Centralized Payroll History

Store all payroll history with searchable filters for easy access.

Key Calculations in Your Salary Sheet

Discover essential calculations for your comprehensive salary overview.

  • header design dotsProvident Fund
  • header design dotsSocial Security Fund
  • header design dotsCitizen Investment Trust
  • header design dotsInsurance (Life, Health, House)
  • header design dotsLeave/OverTime
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